Hoya grandiflora Blume ex Decaisne 1844
Type description:
In Decandolle, Prodramus System Vegetabilum 8 (1844) 635. Decaisne. 2. H. grandiflora (Bl. mass.), scandens, foliis oblongis v. elliptico-oblongis basi rotundatis apice abrupte breviterque acuminatis supra pube molli raraque inspersis subtus dense tomentoso-velutinis rufis (an siccitate?). Affinis H. coronariae Bl bijdr. quae a corona Ariadnes Rumph. differt foliis subtus velutinis coriaceis nec carnosis glabrisque. climbing shrub in insula Java. (v.s. sine flor. h. M. p.)
Translation: climbing, leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong base rounded apexes abruptly and shortly acuminate pubescent above somewhat soft and scattered below densely tomentose velvety reddish (When dried?). Allied to H. coronaria Blume in Bijdragen which differs from Corona Ariadnes Rumphius by having the leaves velvety below, coriaceous not fleshy glabrous. Climbing shrub on the island of Java. (I have seen it without flowers in the Paris Museum Herbarium.)
Note: Most likely invalid as name used prior even though it was probably a Tylophora sp. ?
Hoya grandiflora Sprengel 1825
Type description:
In Sprengel System Vegetabilum 1 (1825) 843. H. grandiflora* 3. H. foliis cordato-ovatis acutis ramisque, pubercentibus, umbellis subsessilibus paucifloris. Nov. Holland.
Translation: Hoya leaves cordate-ovate acute branches very pubescent, Umbels almost sessile, with few flowers. From New Hollandia.
Other literature:
In A General System of Gardening and Botany 4 (1837) 126. G. Don. 1. T. grandiflora (R. Br. prod. p. 406.) Umbels nearly sessile, simple, few-flowered; pedicels glabrous; leaves cordate-ovate, acute, and are, as well the branches, downy. Woody perennial shrub. Native of New South Wales, about port Jackson. Hoya grandiflora, Spreng. syst. 1. p, 843. Great-flowered Tylophora. Fl. Ju. Jul. Cult. 1822. Sh. tw.
In Flora Australiensis 4 (1867) 334. G. Bentham. 3 T. grandiflora, R. Br. 460. A rather slender twiner, the stems and foliage pubescent. Leaves on slender petioles, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, shortly and acutely acuminate, more or less cordate, 1 to 2 in. long. Flowers large for the genus, purple, on filiform pedicels of ½ to 1 in., usually only 1 or 2 rarely 3 on a short interpetiolar peduncle. Calyx-segments ovate, about 1 line long. Corolla spreading to about 1 in. diameter, the lobes ovate-oblong obtuse. Gynostegium small. Corona-segments thick, rounded, horizontally spreading and united in a ring at the base. Follicles acuminate, about 3 in. long. Seeds broad.—Dcne. in Prod. viii 612; H. grandiflora, Spring. Syst. i. 843. N. S. Wales Hunter’s River, R. Brown, also Herb. F. Mueller, but the collector not indicated.
In Queensland Flora (1900) 1006. F. M. Bailey. 2. T. grandiflora (Large flowered), R. Br. Prod. 460: Benth Fl. Aust. iv. 334. A rather slender twiner, the stems and foliage pubescent. Leaves on slender petioles, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, shortly and acutely acuminate more or less cordate, 1 to 2 in. long. Flowers large for the genus, purple, on filiform pedicels of ½ to 1 in., usually only 1 or 2 rarely 3 on a short interpetiolar peduncle. Calyx-segments ovate, about 1 line long. Corolla spreading to about 1 in. diameter, the lobes ovate-oblong obtuse. Gynostegium small. Corona-segments thick, rounded, horizontally spreading and united in a ring at the base. Follicles acuminate, about 3 in. long. Seeds broad.—Dcne. in Prod. viii 612; H. grandiflora, Spring. Syst. i. 843.